Posted by: julee87 | July 3, 2007

Poetry of Kazakhstan???

Do you know the names of the Kazakhstan poets? Exept Abai !!! I mean modern poets! You don’t know!!!!!!!!!!!! I don’t too…

Do you want to know what the other countries think about our poetry and what they know about us? I wouldn’t  surprize you if I say that they know only Abay. On the I found very “interesting” information that Kazakhstan culture the same as Russian that we are the same and our poetry is the same too! It is like Pushkin is kazakh poet!!!

“Some Central Asian specialists speculate that the penchant of today’s leaders for producing books, poetry and songs is due to their desire to be seen as wise and cultured guides for their nations. ” This is pasage from the Radio Liberty site. In my oppinion, this pasage reflects the main problem of the modern Kazakh Poetry. As the saying goes “Talanted peopel need help, dulls will make one’s way by themselves!” “Dulls” in our country have money when gifted people don’t have!

Do you know what is it Valut Trabzit Bank? This winter in Karaganda was a big scandal about this, put it mildly, unreliable organization. Andrey Beliyaev, the president of this bank that had  representative offices around the hall Kazakhstan, took money of the Karaganda’s pensioners and made Valut Tranzit Bank bankrupt.

What is realy interesting about this guy that two years erlier he and his wife published the  collection of poems. The book with Beliyaev’s poetry were given free of charge on my graduation day with the diplomas!!! Can you imagine this? But I never ever laugh like I laugh on my graduation day!!! Not because I was so happy to finish the school!!! No!!! I laught at silly poems that our business man and his wife created!!! I don’t know what he was thinking about! May be he was thinking that his poetry will be measured by his money! Poems were unbelievably funny and stupid! One example, Beliyaev wrote one poem to his daughter, it was something like that “my dear daughter,  you are brought up so fast…you playing billiard and on the Lexus rideing!” I am seriously! Find his book and you will see it!

What is coming on my mind is that it is not fare! Of course life is not fare, but what our ministers, president and other peopel that in charge of our cultural  heritage thinking about? By the way Beliyaev arranged a poetry and music concert in Astana where his “lirics” was represented by the Kazakhstani stars like Rosa Rimbaeva for example!!!!  

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